Safety & security is our prime concern. Trained Fire and Safety professional conduct emergency
evacuation drills in all the wings on regular basis. The role & responsibility of each person in
case of emergency is clearly charted out. Mock drill and workshop on safety & security program
are conducted regularly as per plan with all the staff members like security, housekeeping
staff, maintenance etc. Our teachers and students are trained to handle any difficult situation
in case of real emergency.
FIRE SAFETY: MVN is not only a pioneer in the field of education but also
believes in overall development, safety and security of its students and staff. A safe learning
environment is essential for students of all age groups so that they may focus on learning the
skills needed for their academic growth and a bright future.
To sensitize and prepare the students and staff for any natural disaster or emergency that might
unfortunately occur, a quick response in such situations is required not only to minimize the
damage but also to save precious lives. Our fire safety expert has been conducting ‘SAFETY’
programmes on different topics like safety behaviour, fire safety, first aid, disaster
management, rescue & moving of victims, road safety and general safety including indoor
activities and practical session from time to time.
Pandemic Protocols:
- Mandatory thermal scanning for all the staff members is compulsory at the
entrance of the office gate. Provisions for hand sanitizer with touch free mechanism is
available at all entries, floors, exit points and common areas.
Physical distancing of at least 6 feet (2 gaz ki doori) is maintained while working /
sitting or walking in the Office. All branch heads will ensure the adequate distance between
staff members, adequate gaps between shifts, staggering of lunch breaks of staff etc and
Visitors' chairs in the cabins of the officers is accordingly placed keeping the norms of
Social Distancing.
- Face mask and face shields are (three ply) made compulsory inside the
office premises and the same is ensured while transit for Office. Used masks and gloves are
discarded carefully in yellow colour bio medical waste bin only. Strict action will be taken
if it is found that protocol for mask is not followed in the office.
- To practice frequent hand washing with soap (for at least 40-60 seconds)
even when hands are not visibly dirty. Uses of alcohol-based hand sanitizers (for at least
20 seconds) are made wherever feasible.
- Gathering of more than 2 persons during office hours (including lunch) is
avoided in Office premises and entire campus area.
- Frequently touched places such as electric switches, door knobs,
elevator buttons, hand rails, washroom fixtures etc are to be avoided. Officers/Staff are
also advised to clean their personal equipment like keyboards, mouse, phones, AC remotes etc
themselves by using any ethanol based disinfectant frequently.
- Respiratory etiquette is to be strictly followed. This involves strict
practice of covering one's mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/
handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly.
- Self-monitoring of health by all and if any of the family members are
found to be COVID-19 positive, it will be informed to the office immediately in order to
ensure the necessary preventive measures to be taken by the office in order to check the
spread of COVID-19.
- Spitting in office premises is strictly prohibited and one should not
touch one’s eyes nose and mouth without cleaning the hands.
- AarogyaSetu' App on mobile phones are made compulsory.
- Face to face meetings/discussions/interactions are avoided as far as
possible. Officers/ Staff use intercom/ phone I VC for interactions. Large gathering or
meetings of 10 or more people is discouraged.
- Frequent sanitization of the entire workplace is ensured along with all
points which come into human contact e.g. door handles etc. during the office hours.
- Complete Sanitization of the entire premises is ensured on a daily basis
after the closing hours of Office.
- Long Term Plan :-
- Psychological and behavioural counselling for students
- To lay emphasis on Moral Science
- I. Collaborative efforts to fight Pandemic
- II. Respect for front line workers
- III. Self Restraint Positive approach
- IV. Reinforcement of content taught in online classes